How to hire an SEO agency - what to expect

Hiring an SEO Agency? Here’s What to Expect and Watch Out For

Welcome to the world of SEO agencies—where search engine optimization meets business growth. If you’re diving into this realm for the first time, or even if you’ve worked with an SEO expert before, understanding what to expect when hiring an SEO agency can make all the difference in your digital strategy. And your piece of mind.

What Brought Us Here?

Experience, actually. Being the person who gets called when entrepreneur friends of mine need someone trusted and knowledgeable to take a look at the strategy of the SEO they just hired. Or asking my help to decode the report their SEO agency sent them. 

I’ve found that many entrepreneurs hire SEO agencies to solve a problem, only to realize they themselves have created a new problem by not understanding Search Engine Optimization well enough to know whether the agency they’ve brought in as a partner is doing the work, getting any results, or know what they heck they’re doing.

Then based on my experience hiring SEOs for different projects, many of them understand the basics of search engine optimization, and they can implement a plan for you. But most of the SEOs from whom I’ve requested a strategy or sat with in strategy talks can’t innovate on the fly. Meaning, they have a plan they follow, and if your needs won’t precisely be served by their existing way of doing things, they don’t have enough experiential wisdom to pivot and try something different. 

I actually started my career as a professional writer by working with a boutique SEO agency, back before I even knew what SEO really was, or understood its value. In my earliest days of writing for the web, I learned keyword strategies and created content. Like, a LOT of friggin content. That was back during my penny-a-word days, writing all day and all night to learn the business and make ends meet. 

Fast forward fourteen years, and I’ve sat in strategy meetings and overseen the work of some of the biggest SEO agencies in the world in my role as a content strategist. So, I know a thing or two about optimizing a website for search, and I know a lil something about working with SEOs, from individuals on Upwork to world-class SEO agencies.

Why It Even Matters

SEO plays a critical role in three areas essential for any business: search visibility, authority building, and lead generation.

  1. Search Visibility:
    Search visibility isn’t just about showing up in Google search results anymore—it’s about being present across multiple search platforms and emerging technologies. Most customers begin their journey with a Google search, but voice search is growing, and AI solutions like ChatGPT are increasingly being used for recommendations and decision-making. This means that businesses need to optimize their content for these platforms to ensure they’re visible wherever consumers are searching. Without strong SEO, your brand risks becoming invisible in the places where people are actively looking for solutions, missing out on valuable traffic and opportunities.
  2. Authority Building:
    Building authority is essential not only for your brand’s reputation but also for being found in search engines. Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) emphasize that businesses with credible, authoritative content are more likely to rank higher and be recommended. This means that demonstrating industry expertise, having credible sources, and ensuring content quality are all crucial to building trust—not just with your audience, but also with Google. If your website doesn’t meet these guidelines, it will struggle to rank well or be featured in rich results like Google’s Featured Snippets or knowledge panels, which are prime real estate for visibility and authority.
  3. Lead Generation:
    It’s widely accepted that 60-80% of a company’s revenue should be generated by marketing efforts, and SEO is a cornerstone of that. Inbound marketing—a strategy focused on drawing customers in through valuable, relevant content—generates the lion’s share of marketing-sourced pipeline and revenue versus outbound tactics like paid ads. Unlike outbound marketing, which pushes messaging to consumers, inbound marketing meets customers where they are in their buying journey, making them more likely to engage and convert. Strong SEO aligns with inbound strategies, creating a constant flow of organic leads that helps your business scale efficiently.

By investing in SEO, you’re not just optimizing for search engines, but also preparing your business for the future of search and digital visibility.

What to Expect from This Article

In this guide, we’ll break down the essentials of hiring an SEO agency. From understanding the basics of SEO to finding the right agency and navigating the ongoing process, consider this your go-to resource for making informed decisions that propel your business forward.

Understanding SEO Basics

First things first: SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s the art and science of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Why does this matter? Because when your website ranks higher, it gets more clicks, more visitors, and ultimately, more potential customers.

SEO encompasses various strategies, including:

  • On-Page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages with relevant keywords, meta tags, and content.
  • Off-Page SEO: Building backlinks from reputable websites to boost your site’s authority.
  • Technical SEO: Improving website speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience.

Choosing the Right SEO Agency

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks (because that’s what people like to get down to) —how do you find the right SEO agency for your needs?

Finding a Reputable Agency

Check out their rep. Start by doing your homework. Use online platforms like Google, Upwork, or Clutch to find top-rated SEO agencies. These platforms provide reviews, ratings, and case studies to help you evaluate an agency’s credibility and track record. For example, Upwork and Clutch showcase reviews from past clients, giving you insight into the agency’s performance, typically rated between 4 and 5 stars. Additionally, you can search Google for an agency’s name followed by “reviews” to see if there’s any feedback online about their work. This initial research is key to finding a reputable SEO agency that aligns with your needs.

Check out their case studies. Make sure the SEO agency has experience working with businesses like yours. Here’s why that matters:

A friend of mine hired a global SEO agency to boost visibility for their e-commerce business, which sells haircare products for men and women of color. It seemed straightforward, but the agency, based in Asia, lacked experience with Black haircare terminology. They developed an SEO strategy targeting broad terms like “haircare,” “healthy hair,” and “strong hair”—the same terms used by the biggest haircare brands in the world.

The problem? When it comes to people of color, haircare searches are much more specific. For example, people with 4C hair often search for terms like “hair shrinkage,” not “how to grow long hair.” The agency’s lack of understanding led to an ineffective strategy that didn’t address the unique needs of their target audience. This is why industry-specific experience matters when choosing an SEO partner.

Womp. Womp. The result: no visibility and no clicks.

Communication Strategy

Implement Real-Time Communication Tools. The second thing you’ll need is a solid communication strategy. SEO agencies typically operate on either a month-to-month basis or in longer six- to twelve-month contracts. If you’re hiring through a gig platform, you’ll likely be working week-to-week, paying as you go.

This is important because SEO is a long-term investment. It’s not something that delivers immediate results, so it makes sense that many agencies require six- to twelve-month contracts—that’s how long it takes to see meaningful progress.

You’ll need a clear line of communication with your SEO agency throughout this period. Most agencies will send you weekly reports and schedule monthly Zoom meetings. But in between, if you notice something odd or have questions, you need to be able to reach your SEO team in real time. You can do this by adding their point person to your internal Slack channel or having them invite you to their project management system, like Asana or Zoho. This setup allows you to communicate quickly without waiting for the next scheduled meeting.

Understanding SEO Terms and Reports

It’s also crucial to have someone on your team who understands SEO, at least a little bit. Now, I’m not saying that once that person understands that person should be your SEO, especially if you have a small team, because search engine optimization is time consuming, and there’s no such thing as set it and forget it. 

But having someone in-house who knows the difference between on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO is essential. This person can act as a liaison (read, translator) between your internal team and the SEO agency, ensuring your company’s best interests are front and center. Without that internal knowledge, you risk miscommunication with the SEO team, which can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities.

SEO comes with its own set of jargon—terms like backlinks, SERPs, and Google Analytics. Don’t worry if it sounds like a foreign language at first. Your SEO agency should provide clear explanations and regular reports detailing your website’s performance and progress towards your goals.


SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to see significant results, typically six to twelve months. During this period, your SEO agency should continuously monitor and adjust strategies based on data insights and algorithm updates.

Hiring an SEO agency is a strategic investment in your business’s online visibility and growth. By understanding the fundamentals, choosing a reputable agency, establishing clear communication, and tracking progress, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of SEO and drive sustainable results for your business.

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